Fun Fact #469 MILDEC > Mildew

 Fun Fact #469

MILDEC > Mildew

Most of us have heard of the Trojan Horse, but since this is “WillseaThe Facts” and not myth, I think it's only fitting if we look at examples of Deception from verified History for this week’s theme “Military Deception”. 

Military deception (MILDEC) can best be described as “The purposeful manipulation of opposition decision making” commonly uses either an opponent's lack of knowledge (decreasing fog of war) or giving them false information (Increasing Fog) to force them into striking or avoiding a place of your choosing. As such, MILDEC Tactics have proven highly effective at shortening wars and minimizing loss of life (When intended to) which is why it is still used today with the US AIrforce currently in the middle of developing multiple of the drones in their “SkyBorg” project to take part in MILDEC Operations. 

On a side note: It's thought that the origin for the Trojan horse comes from the ancient Greeks coating their siege engines in soaked horse pelts to defend against being set on fire during assaults. Which is why there’s mention in the historical records of the siege engines actually used at Troy of “Having the appearance of Horses”. 

If you would like to learn more about how to plan and execute MILDAC operations “The Joint Forces College” has a Joint publication titled “Military Deception” (JP 3-13.4) which goes over just that.

Model of a Greek Heliopolis Siege Tower by The Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum

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