#271 The Fourth Musketeer
Fun Fact # 271
Charles de Bats de Castlemore d'artagnan
Born in 1611, d'Artgnan would sneak into and join the Noir Musketeers in 1630.
becoming part of the era of Cardinal Mazarin. In time he would become the Cardnial's trusted spy.
This position would put him in the perfect place to capture Nicholas Fouqet --The king's financier who sought to replace the Cardnial as the King's top advisor.
It was this success which brought him fame and allowed him to be promoted by the King over even the Cardinal, becoming the Captain of both the Gris and Noir Musketeers.
Yet he found that this new position had no "Thrills" so to speak and missed the rush of battle.
He would finally get his chance to fight once more during the Franco-Dutch War, but it would cost him his life being shot through the neck at the Siege of Masscript.
Today he is remembered for helping to inspire the character of D'artagnan in Alexander Dumas' "D'artagnan Trilogy" of which "The Three Musketeers" is but the first book. Thanks for reading and Please have a wonderful day!