Welcome To Willsea The Facts!

 Fun Fact #0     

    Willsea The Facts

Welcome to Willsea The Facts. . . or is it We'll See The facts? Hmm. . . 

    In any case, Welcome to Willsea The Facts; A fun Fact series I originally created to share my love of  odd information with my friends and coworkers which then outgrew its old Email based format. 

My goal with this blog is to share fun facts that I encounter in my life and to start conversations in the Comments below. It is my hope that each fact helps bring some joy or at least some curiosity to your life. 

Currently I am still building this blog, but the eventual goal in a few weeks is to start posting every weekday so please be sure to check back regularly. If you have any suggestions, or requests for upcoming Fun Facts, feel free to send me an email at WillseaTheFacts@Gmail.com

 Thanks for reading and please have a wonderful day!

John Willsea's Willsea The Facts

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