Fun Fact #426

 Fun Fact #426


Amid the Monsters of the Black Forest, like Kobolds, Changelings, and Erlkönig (Famous classical song), one might be forgiven for not taking the Wolpertinger seriously. However, according to legend this is no mere Jackrabbit, but a sign that strange magic is affecting the local wildlife. This causes them to successfully breed in unnatural ways creating winged rabbits, fanged deer and other hybrids which can compound with each generation. Some myths even had Heroes tracking Wolpertinger back to their nests to find Villainous lairs.

Today they are mostly a local oddity, being made from either spare taxidermy parts to be sold to tourists or mothers sewing children’s favorite worn out stuffed animals to get a little more life out of them. They are often considered endearing, with the famous children’s comic series “Rumo and His Miraculous Adventure” featuring a  Rumo the Horned Dog. It’s written by Walter Moers who is known for being so shy that he hasn’t been publicly seen since 2000 and even that is up for debate –earning him the nickname “The Phantom”. However, his books keep coming out, now featuring cyphers revealing his “Current Location”.   

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