Fun Fact#357
Fun Fact # 357
The Long Kayak
The Kayak was invented by the American Eskimos for hunting, but when it came to transport they had an answer to that as well: The Umiaq.
The Umiaq, like the first kayaks were made from animal parts, but due to their larger size they almost always used what little wood they had for the keel of the ship. They can hold up to 12 adults on average and commonly had Walrus skins to cover the top for warmth and protection. They also happened to be the only canoes that were –and still occasionally are– used to cross the Bering Strait between Russia and the Americas thought this was extremely dangerous.
Sadly the trade is dying out and to keep the tradition alive there is a free online class of how to build a Umiaq (out of wood and leather) hosted by the “Center for Wooden Boats” (CWB) every year.