Fun Fact#327 Creeper and The Reaper

 Fun Fact # 327

Creeper and The Reaper

Computer viruses –like actual viruses– reproduce themselves by hijacking another organism, and modifying it to create more viruses. The first recorded computer virus was spread by a computer worm called “The Creeper” which spread across ARPANET (the internet's direct precursor). Thankfully, all the virus did was display the words “I'M THE CREEPER : CATCH ME IF YOU CAN" but this still proved annoying. Finally a man named Ray Tomlinson created the first Anti-virus software called “The Reaper” which was the second recorded virus using the same worm as the first to spread and remove the Creeper’s words. I guess even in the world of I.T. The Reaper comes for you eventually. 

The Grim Creeper by Godville on Deviantart

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