Fun Fact #312 One Buzzing Buzzard

Fun Fact # 312

One Buzzing Buzzard

Known for the lack of feathers on their reddish-pink heads as well as their impressive height at 2-3 feet; Turkey Vultures are an uncommon sight in Northern Illinois but can be found more commonly southward. They do not have vocal cords and thus lack any distinct calls, but may be identified in flight by the large black mostly unflapping “V” they make (Eagles tend to fly flat and hawks flap frequently). Turkey Vultures prefer large open areas like farmland near wooded areas. I’ve seen them only a few times going along the Brown Park bike path (near Route 173) which follows a wooded stream surrounded by farmland for much of its length. If they’re on the ground and hissing do not approach they can use their vomit as a foul smelling projectile if they feel threatened. 

Image From The YMCA of Greater Brandywine

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