Fun Fact # 288 Kossuth the Exile

 Fun Fact #288

Kossuth The Exile

In the Midst of a Civil war, Zsuzsanna Kossuth was appointed The Chief Nurse of Hungry by the NPA’s president Lajos. In order to organize the country's Nurses quickly she adopted the Military’s organization pattern of ranks but applied it to nurses and doctors. She then founded 75 hospitals and to staff them in a hurry she opened it up for Volunteer nurses who would receive a crash course in basic triage. Her methods would then be adopted by Florence Nightingale five years later who would use it to help create the modern field of Nursing. 

As for her fate it was not so stellar, once the NPA reconciled with Austria, they wanted Zusanna’s head and had imprisoned her only for the U.S. Government to step in and offer her to immigrate. Austria agreed to allow this if the U.S. would enforce the exile and In 1854 She was found dead, in her New York apartment.

Image from "Hungarian Cultural Studies. e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association"

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