Fun Fact #287 Dr. Hackett

 Fun Fact # 287

Dr. Hackett

In 1916 Dr. Winston Clifton Hackett arrived in Arizona enthusiastic about his plans to open an African American Community Hospital. When this failed however, He decided to open his own practice using his Obstetrics degree to birth “The Booker T. Washington Memorial Hospital”. While it only had 25 rooms at its peak it was well known for helping anyone who came along regardless of color helping to build good will among the people of Arizona towards their first Black Physician. Later his practice would turn into The Winston Inn when his failing eyesight prevented him from safely seeing patients. This inn would go on to service Politicians and Civil rights leaders until its demolition in 2017. 

Today Dr. Hackett is remembered for helping to shift the attitude in the field of medicine around African Americans to be more positive. He also serves as an example of “The Good Doctor” which is a term meant to refer to Doctors who sacrifice much in their life just to help others.

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