#582 All Saints Day

 Fun Fact #582

All Saints Day

Since it's completion in 27 BC the Pantheon had been dedicated to "The Twelve Gods" and to "Sovran The Living" making it --in Rome's eyes a temple to all Gods-- hence the name "The Pantheon". Later it was expanded and updated by Hadrian around 125 AD which is the majority of the structure still standing today. 

    However in 609AD, The Pantheon was forever changed when Pope Boniface IV was faced the need the move the bodies of the Historical Christian Martyrs from the Catacombs and seeing that the old tunnels of the pantheon were no longer in use the decision was made to move the bodies into the Pantheon itself. To celebrate the site was dedicated to Saint Mary (the Virgin) and the Martyrs (Saint Maria ad Martyres). Then in 731 Pope Gregory III expanded the holiday from just that site to all the Christian world to celebrate all Christian saints and Martyrs on November 1st becoming known as "Alholowmesse" which is middle English for "All Saints Day"

               As time wore on this name would fail to get properly translated eventually becoming All-Hallow-mas (similar to Christmas in the naming error) with the night before becoming known as the eve of All hallows-mas later shortened to All Hallow's Eve. Then came the final change to All Hallows eve of adding in the August 12th celebration of  "Pomona", The Roman day of the Dead "Feralia" (October 20th), and The Celtic harvest festival and day of spirits "Samhain" turning the name finally to to Halloween. 


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