#576 The Rainbow Serpent
Fun Fact #576
The Rainbow Serpent
Slithering into today’s fun fact is The Wonambi which was the largest snake to terrorize Australia reaching up to 13-20 feet long. Part of the now extinct Madtsoiidae genus of Snakes it would have hunted by ambushing and constricting it’s prey since it lacked a venomous bite (like a boa Constrictor but unrelated). It is thought to have dwelt in natural sun-traps near local watering holes, primarily hunting Kangaroos, wallaby and other such prey – but unable to consume the larger prey thanks to it’s small head to body size. This watering hole idea seems to fit as most open sources of water that predate civilization are thought dangerous for a Wonambi is said to live there.
The Wonambi is named after the beast from Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends and means “The Rainbow Serpent” for the changing colors and scales shown in shifting light. Eventually The Aboriginal devised a plan for killing and keeping Wonambi away called Firestick burning. This is where you burn fields or the underbrush of forests to encourage Biodiversity, allow for easier access to the area, and of course for pest control. However the Noonagar people refer to this practice as using “The Cold Fire”.
As Always thanks for reading, and remember if you ever find a rainbow serpent please let me know so I can stay far the heck away from it. In actuality Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Life Restoration of The Wonambi