#566 Paul Harrell

 Fun Fact #566

Paul Harrell

Good Morning Everyone, I apologize but Today’s Fun Fact about the Urumi Sword has been sidetracked to deliver a … less than fun fact. A Youtuber named Paul Harrel passed away on the evening of September 2nd from his battle with cancer. For those who didn't know Paul he was a professional “Gun-Tuber” but different than most because rather than going for “The Rule of Cool” he approached his videos from a Gun safety and practicality sense which he learned from his background in The Marines and later as a Firearms instructor for the Oregon National Guard. In fact most of his videos are testing different weapons in a semi-controlled setting where he collects data and lets the audience know how things happened the way that they did, and what it means to you. All the while with his trademark dry sense of Humor and hunting Jacket. 

So, why am I telling you this? Long and short of it is because I thought he was a good man, and in a pre-recorded video that his brother released upon Paul’s death, one of Paul’s wishes was for people to pass on what they’ve learned, and I intend to honor that request. So, here are the 4 basic rules of Gun Safety, followed by some of my favorite quotes of his from over the years. I hope you enjoy and please have a wonderful day.

  1. Always Keep your Firearm pointed in a safe direction, never at something you’re not willing to destroy.

  2. Treat All Guns as if they are loaded

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot

  4. Always know your target, and what’s beyond it. 

Lastly here are some of my favorite quotes from his videos over the years:

  • “Now, we’re at the range today so please excuse the sound of Gunfire” 

  • “Whosoever wears this Jacket –if he be worthy– Shall possess the Power of Paul Harrell”   (When he gave his jacket to a kid who asked for just his autograph about a month ago.)

  • “Who needs Ballistics gel? That’s why God invented Shortback ribs and Shasta Soda.”

  • “It's been asked, why do I use Shasta Orange Soda as a target? The answer is quite simple. The stuff tastes so bad it's always on sale.”

  • “Well there’s a Malfunction.”

  • “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at what a miracle of science this is.” (He said about the taste of an MRE Poptart, he had buried in a time capsule 23 years earlier)

  • Not really a quote here, but just the fact he always started counting on his middle finger was a little commercial. Many accidental Birds found flight that way.

  • “Well… If that’s not useful, its at least interesting.”

  • “I am touched, and more than a little creeped out that a Hasbro Employee made and sent me an Action figure of myself. … No, I'm not Shooting it."

Side note, It is astonishingly hard to find decent photos of Mr. Harrell without a Firearm. 

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