Fun Fact #542

In Advance

When it comes to Executive Protection one of the most important factors is to run an ADVANCE to any planned movements. Put simply an ADVANCE  is where a few agents or specialists make logistical and Security preparations before a Protector's trip (“They try to Think it out so the following parties don’t have to.”). Bluntly put, They don't put off till tomorrow what may be done today as most successes and failures in security start at the ADVANCE level, often taking place up to weeks before the actual event.  

A normal ADVANCE sweep often includes the following steps, although they may not always be done in this order.  

  • Work with event organizers to establish travel routes, Hotels, food, and anything else that may be required.

  • Once established, look for Vulnerabilities, access points, and crowd control measures. 

  • Establish coordination with local law enforcement, agencies, or even Contractors to Cover the previously discovered vulnerabilities. 

  • Establish Communication Networks and a chain of command for the deployment of Security. Sometimes a command post is designated to run things from once the Protectee arrives.

    • This structure is key as Local Police or event agencies may not be trained for executive protection which requires an entirely different mindset and strategies. Often Air Marshals, Marine Executive Service, or a member of the Advance team takes on this role and all changes have to go through them at least. 

    • To demonstrate the difference in mindset, in executive protection Security’s role is to make themselves a bigger, louder, and more urgent target than their protectee. This is why Secret service are trained to stand up and out (if not physically covering the protectee) instead of getting low and seeking cover. They will also try to put others such as local police in positions to be more apparent targets –even if the local police don't realize it themselves. 

  • Lastly they will often physically walk through their plans before the Protectee arrives.

Well I hope today has helped to ADVANCE your knowledge somewhat and that you have a wonderful day.

Image taken from The Secret Service’s Website

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