#521 A Place to Park
Fun Fact #521
A place to Park
In 1909 the growing city of Rockford decided it needed to preserve its reputation as “The Forrest City” and saw that parks would also make for an excellent Tourist attraction. Thus the Rockford Park District was formed and bought 123 acres to form Sinissipi Park.
Today The Rockford Park District is the 3rd largest park district in Illinois serving over 84,000 households residing within the Rockford Park District. Not only that, but the district has twice received the National Gold Medal in Recognition for Recognition in Park and Recreation Management: Once in 1989, and a second time in 2012 (Achieved finalist position in years: 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 2011). Feel free to check out their website for their “Park Madness” Sports, programs, Live Music and other events (for example Music in the Park starts June 6th See schedule below).