Fun Fact #500 Milestones

 FunFact # 500


Good Morning everyone, Apologies for this odd format of Fun Fact but seeing as its the 500th one I’ve done I figured we’d do something special. It really does surprise and touch my heart that you guys like these fun Facts so a huge thank you, it really does mean quite a lot. These fun facts have come a long way from where they started and in the process they have turned from a personal hobby into something that I can share and hopefully make your days just a little more interesting along the way. 

To celebrate (and to break the 4th wall) here are some Fun Facts about “Willsea The Facts”

  • This newsletter began on October 31st 2021 as a way to keep in touch with some of my friends on night shift as I moved to days. 

  • The First Topic covered was “The Bronze Age Collapse” 

  • On March 4th 2023 The Newsletter was Finally named “Willsea The Facts” by my Father. I failed to realize what the abbreviation of this was until my siblings gave me a Jersey with “W.T.F. Blog” written in giant letters on it.

    • … This is why The Blog’s joke slogan is “What The Fact?”

  • There is a Blogspot where people can view these Fun Facts outside of work. It also allowed me to search for previously covered topics with ease. Still working on adding in all the fun facts before #331 however…

  •  If you ever want to see these fun facts outside of work then look up “Willsea The Facts” and The blogspot Page will be the first result on Google, or Bing will often use 5 random fun facts for the first 5 results it shows. Not quite sure why Bing does that but I wont stop it. 

    • WillseaTheFacts.BlogSpot.Com

    • There are Labels for Common Topics such as Christmas, Halloween, Or Rockford Fun Facts. 

    • I am working on an “At Home Activities Section” for Fun Facts involving Topics meant to spark Kids Curiosity.

  • The Newsletter has had two variants of its homemade Lightbulb Logo, but both suffer from scaling issues.

    •  The Lettering Is in “Harlow Solid Italic”

  • Most of the Research topics for Fun Facts come either from people’s suggestions or Metaphorical Rabbit Holes I’ve fallen into while researching other fun facts –Just don't tell Alice.

  • I used to do extra Fun Facts for the weekends. There were more for topics that I wanted to cover but didn't fit in with that week’s theme (Like Recent Scientific Discoveries such as Magnastars).

The Original Logo (Back when people mistook it as: "Oh The Facts Willsea" due to poor placement of the words on my part.)
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