Fun Fact #482 Radish be swift
Fun Fact #482
Radish be swift
Feeling impatient, yet still want to get into gardening? Try the Radish since they grow fast (Rudolf Radishes are ready to harvest in just 25 days after planting) and are completely edible from their leaves as salad greens to their bulb roots eaten in a variety of tasty dishes, turned into various culinary oils, or even eaten raw. They also make a wonderful companion crop for cucumbers (Hyssop kills Radishes though).
However –in farming– radishes are not primarily grown for their crop, but rather as a forage crop, catch crop or a fallow crop. The reason is their fast growing allows them to be used to prevent oil erosion between cash crops (Catch Cropping), and its speed is wonderful for pastures used by grazing animals like cows, goats and sheep.