Fun Fact #435

 Fun Fact #435

 President FDR

In the town of Hyde Park, New York 1882 was born one of the more important, but least thought about Presidents of the United States: Franklin D. Roosevelt. When he was a kid, however, he and his family were looked upon far less favorably. This was not helped by the political views pushed by his half-brother James “Rosey” Roosevelt, an American Diplomat, who helped teach FDR Spanish and German and his father John “Cactus Jack” Roosevelt. Culminating in President Grover Cleveland once telling FDR for his birthday: "My little man, I am making a strange wish for you. It is that you may never be President of the United States."
Yet –in part inspired by his uncle Theodore Roosevelt– FDR would go on to become the 32 President leading the US through The Great Depression, The Farm Crisis, the horrors of WW2, and organizing protection for some of the founding members of the NAACP. Today FDR is often considered one of the “Big Three” (alongside Washington and Lincoln) for US Presidents.

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