Fun Fact #389 The Mammoth Fruit

 Fun Fact #389

The Mammoth Fruit

23 Million years ago, Woolly Mammoths, Giant sloths, and even Short-faced bears ate a strange green fruit spreading it throughout much of North America. No, today’s topic isn’t about the Avocado, but  “Asimina Triloba” better known as the Pawpaw. 

The Pawpaw is the largest fruit native to North America, and grows in most temperate climates with its range consisting of most of the US east of the Mississippi River. Yet despite its wide range and Tropical appearance, you won’t find it in grocery stores because the fruit has not been domesticated –leaving it with a short shelf life of just one week. However, The Fruit tastes like a mix between Bananas, Mangos, and Vanilla thanks to the heritage it shares with Custard Apples and Papaya. This in turn makes it considered a delicacy around early September when the fruit is ready to be harvested with 3-5 pawpaws being harvested per cluster.

(Image from:

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