Fun Fact #374

 Fun Fact #374

The Elderberry

Growing to a height of 5 to 12 feet tall and covered in white flowers with purple berries intermixed, The American Elderberry is quite magnificent. It’s berries grow in small clusters and are high in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and help reduce cholesterol levels making it quite the powerhouse. Yet care should be taken around them as the berries are mildly toxic when eaten raw (acting as a natural laxative if more than about 4 pounds is eaten at once) and should be made into a Jam, wine, pie, or tea in order for it to be considered safe for consumption. 

While still a niche crop interest has been growing in the crop in recent years due to it’s ease of growth, speed of development and its unique ability to stimulate white cell development in the body –though it's still unclear how it does this. If you’re curious about trying it, usually its easiest to find as a wine commonly costing $12, but Sinnissippi Gardens in Rockford has 6 of the trees you can pick berries from.

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