Fun Fact #373

Fun Fact #373

War of the Cypriots

Fun Fact #373

War of the Cypriots

Situated upon many important Historical trade routes Cyprus is an amazing Island. Yet not all is sunshine and rainbows as they have had a long history of being occupied by former powers from Alexander the great, to Britain in the modern day all over the control of these routes. Finally in 1974 the Cypriots (People of Cyprus) rose up and took over the country only to find that it was going to be a long time before anyone considered them Greeks. Thus TUrkey sent in i’t own force and forced the Cypriots to surrender.  Today tensions are still high on the island as the northern part is under Turkish rule, while the southern wishes to join Greece, which makes decision making inherently difficult.  It also makes several appearences in the bible suach as Luke nine.

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