Fun Fact #367 The Maud Report

Fun Fact #367

The Maud Report

In mid 1939, Otto R. Frisch left for a vacation to Birmingham in Britain when Germany annexed Austria –Frisch’s homeland. Now stuck in Britain he helped write "The Frisch–Peierls Memorandum" which outlined how Britain might be able to make a nuclear bomb using Uranium-235 for use against Germany -- the first to outline such a way. He was then approached by the SAS who offered Frisch a deal, work on the MAUD committee (Britain’s group for atomic research), and if proven successful he’d be given British Citizenship and his Aunt --Lise Meitner-- would be freed.  Frisch Agreed and began work on “Project Alloys” where the first Allied investigation into Nuclear arms began, before rolling into the American Manhattan project before the end of the war. 

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