Fun Fact #339 Petroleum Problems

 Fun Fact #339

Petroleum Problems

Since as far back as 4,300 BC Petroleum has been recorded in human history, yet for most of that history it has been seen as more a nuisance than a resource. It would often dash hopes for a new water well, and would sometimes seep up to become dangerous such as tar pits, Chimera firebursts, and natural oil seeps which are still the leading cause of ocean pollution.   

Yet Humanity would make use of this hazard, using it to seal the boats and walls of Babylon . . .which predictably ended in fire and collapsing buildings. But not to worry, the next record comes from the Chinese “Book of Changes” where it's used as a fire starter until they set an oil seep on fire burning down a huge swath of land and create a myth about “The Demonic ooze”. Alright, maybe the Persians got it right when they let an Alchemist Cult mess with the stuff. . . and they discovered how to make fireball arrows. Wow, we’re not off to a great start here, and don't even get me started on what the Greeks figured out, but check back tomorrow to see if Humanity can find a better use for Petroleum other than as “The Black Blight”.

Image of Greek Fire from

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