Fun Fact #331 Monkey Greece

 Fun Fact #331

Monkey Greece 

In 1917, The Greek King Constantine I was forced into exile, and succeeded by his son Alexander. While he would be a puppet king for the Venizenism party, he was an effective leader who managed to unite much of the country. Only for them to unite in outcry when a monkey attacked and he died of a blood infection shortly afterwards (The bite of 1919).

In short this would prove disastrous sending the Military and the Monarchists  “bickering” leading to 18 coups, 4 foreign wars, 2 civil wars, 2 revolts, 6 assassinations, 6 abdications, multiple foreign occupations, and the establishment of a parliamentary Republic by the time things stabilized in 1974. They also helped found the United Nations along the way which has helped to keep peace among most of the European powers ever since.

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