Fun Fact #326 Somthing Bugging you?
Fun Fact #326
Something Bugging you?
Named for the Moth which shorted out Admiral Grace Murray Hopper’s computer, Computer bugs are unexpected problems within a system. What makes them worse however, is their nasty habit of affecting other connected systems such as the case of The Millenium Bug (Y2K). Due to the limited storage on early computers, dates were only programmed with the last 2 digits to save memory. Yet, this meant that computers wouldn’t be able to distinguish the year 2000 from 1900. There was great fear that if Y2K was not fixed, computers would crash when they wouldn't be able to properly interpret data. Thankfully many countries worked on resolving the problem so when the day came the issues were minor, and most found that aside from the dates being wrong, not much changed. Now computers operate with the full date, but it is still interesting to revisit that when the world was under threat of a “Computer Apocalypse” from a bug.