Fun Fact #309 Bird Brained

Fun Fact #309

Introduction To Bird Brained week

Hello and Welcome to this week’s theme: Bird Brained. My grandfather used to take me birdwatching and I thought it might be nice to include some of the birds I've seen over the last year with some interesting information on them.

One thing should be noted however, each bird species can have a wide variety of calls given on the situation they’re in (Physical display, flight, feeding, Perch, and Alarm just to name a few), so knowing their most common call is helpful but not a sure fire way to identify them. If you’re interested in bird watching, try searching near bodies of water located within parks, as they are usually packed with birds who aren’t as afraid of people which is great for practice spotting. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Image of my two favorite Birds (Blue Heron, and a Red Winged Black Bird) Image is by

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