Fun Fact #291 Mother Seacole

 Fun Fact #291

Mother Seacole

In 1855 Mary Seacole would open her newest version of “The British Hotel” which she had tirelessly made out of driftwood and scrap metal. This was despite the fact that she was near the front of the Crimean war at Sevastopol tending to the sick and wounded as they came in. One notable aspect of her training was having grown up in Jamaica, allowing her access to historical West African medicine, as well as being a vital port which allowed her to see and attempt to treat many sick sailors, improving as she went along.

Although Today she is mostly remembered as the Woman with lemon tea, she was far more integral to history. Her knowledge of basic home remedies and effective ways to combat tropical diseases informed Nightingale’s approach to Nursing affecting the entire medical field today.. She is well worth remembering –Plus she has an interesting autobiography called “The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole In Many Lands” just in case you’re curious. 

"Our Own Vivandière" Punch, 30 May 1857

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